Adrian Fuentes Luque-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (3)
A collaborative muldimodal working environment for the development of instrumental and professional competences of student translators :: an innovative teaching experience
Situated Learning in Translator and Interpreter Training: Bridging Research and Good Practice (Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group), pp. 76-91
A collaborative multimodal working environment for the development of instrumental and professional competences of student translators: An innovative teaching experience
Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Vol. 10, Núm. 1, pp. 76-91
Entornos multimodales de trabajo colaborativo para el desarrollo de la competencia instrumental-profesional de los traductores en formación.
I Seminario Iberoamericano de Innovación Docente de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)