Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Iñaki Iriarte Goñi (6)


  1. From woodfuel to industrial wood: A socio-metabolic reading of the forest transition in Spain (1860–2010)

    Ecological Economics, Vol. 201

  2. From woodfuel to industrial wood: A socio-metabolic reading of the forest transition in Spain (1860–2010)

    From woodfuel to industrial wood: A socio-metabolic reading of the forest transition in Spain (1860–2010)

  3. From woodfuel to industrial wood: A socio-metabolic reading of the forest transition in Spain (1860–2010)

    From woodfuel to industrial wood: A socio-metabolic reading of the forest transition in Spain (1860–2010)


  1. Continuity, change, and geographical differences in Spain’s firewood consumption: a new estimation (1860-2010)

    Historia agraria: Revista de agricultura e historia rural, Núm. 77, pp. 33-57