Un estudio de caso sobre la idealización y representación de la familia en los centros educativos
- José Antonio Rodríguez-Mena
- Emilia Moreno-Sánchez
- Inmaculada Montérdez-Santos
ISSN: 0716-050X, 0718-0705
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 44
Issue: 1
Pages: 403-413
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios pedagógicos
ABSTRACT: The diversity of family models is one of the factors shaping our current society. This situation has led to the rupture of the traditional model of family hegemony. These changes have to be understood by schools, and this new family realm has to be included in their educational work. In this article, we present a study which, from a qualitative perspective based on a case study, analyzes linked images to family in textbooks, on posters and murals; in the language used in communications and notes addressed to families; and finally, in the concepts of family that exist among the members of the educational community. The results indicate that one sector of the educational community shares a family concept based on heteronormativity and consanguinity, and that the materials and documents analyzed show a biased picture of the family.
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