Eduwikis: nuevos entornos colaborativos para la profesionalización docente

  1. López Meneses, Eloy
  2. Domínguez Fernández, Guillermo
  3. Cobos Sanchiz, David
  4. Álvarez Bonilla, Francisco Javier
Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia

ISSN: 1699-3748

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 20

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia


This paper is the result of a Seminar on new teaching methodologies and 2.0 resources application focused on training into digital skills in the European Space for Higher Education, addressed to the Area of Didactics and School Organization of the University Pablo de Olavide that took place during november 2010. Platform PbWorks (http//, to create eduwikis destined to management and cooperative construction of knowledge, methodologies and didactic experiences 2.0 related to Didactics and Information and Communications Technology. As a conclusion, it has been stated that wikis are means of expression and knowledged management and ease the construction of educational communities for discussion and cooperation. Also, the PbWorks platform is a good resource for professional development, allows a tracking of the teaching work, is useful as a storage of resources for teaching, is flexible, friendly, free, intuitive and easy to use.

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