Experiencias de posgrado sobre el envejecimiento a través de nubes de palabras

  1. Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano, José Luis
  2. López Meneses, Eloy
  3. Fernández Márquez, Esther
Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia

ISSN: 1699-3748

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 25

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia

Sustainable development goals


The university experience consists of raise the introspective reflection through clouds on major concepts that characterize old age with social application Wordle (http://www. wordle. net). This software enables you to design dynamically and easily social tag clouds from the concepts indicated. The experience is developed with students in the Master of Gerontology, Management in Gerontology Centers of the University Pablo de Olavide, during the academic year 2012/13. The link is: http://mayores3000. jimdo. com/ Among the objectives, we can highlight the following ones: to reflect on the meaning of aging and active aging, promote active and independent role of students in the process of knowledge construction, design and produce clouds of previous ideas about the concepts related to the aging process; the use of social software and develop a repository of preconceptions regarding Aging. Through a qualitative-descriptive methodology we can remark the following results on the concept of old age: Issues related to experience (88%), knowledge (75%), maturity (56%), freedom and personal development (38%) and training and learning (25%) with greater differentiation over other responses reflected. Other features that students have associated to the aging process are: Training, associated with learning and knowledge (5%), the fact that it is a step in which prevails fears of aspects such as illness, being unable to fend themselves, the treatment of others, to death, and marked by opportunities (4%), others refer to the concept of wrinkles, years and leisure time (3%), and they consider that it is a phase marked by emotions, noting for example happiness, and a feeling of fullness (2%). Finally, considering the high percentage that includes other concepts (17%), in this section it is integrated: Hobbies, Personal Autonomy, Growth, Chronology, Dependency, Rest (earned), Active Aging, Family, Illusion, Seniors, Possibilities, Tenderness or life experiences (distinct from the experience, focusing on memories).

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